Estate Read Time: 4 min

Understanding the Alternate Valuation Date

When an individual dies, 遗嘱执行人面临着一个重要的决定,这个决定有可能影响遗产及其继承人所欠的税款. 遗嘱执行人有权选择在死者去世之日对遗产进行估价, or alternately, on the six-month anniversary of death – the latter is, fittingly, referred to as the "Alternate Valuation Date."1,2

Pick a Date

这似乎是一个显而易见的决定和简单的选择,但事实并非如此. Here's why.

For estates with substantial holdings in stocks, 如果遗嘱执行人认为股票价格将低于遗嘱执行人去世之日的股价,那么使用备选估值日期可能是一种合适的方法.

When heirs inherit assets, such as stocks, 如果资产的价值高于原所有者收购时的价值,他们可能会在资产的成本基础上得到提高. 继承人的估价将被重置为遗产所有人死亡之日的估价或遗嘱执行人选择的替代估价日的估价.3

Market Moves

Let's take a look at a hypothetical example. 假设爸爸几年前买了out - date Technologies公司的股票,当时股价是每股10美元. At his death, the stock was worth $35. The executor used the Alternate Valuation Date, and six months later, due to market movements, the stock was worth $28.

His heir, Julie, 是否会继承这笔资产,并将其成本基础提高到28美元, the value declared by the estate. 现在,我们假设朱莉在不久后以每股35美元的价格出售股票.

如果遗产在死亡之日使用了价值(35美元), she might not have owed capital gains tax, 因为她会以与成本基础相同的价格出售股票. 但由于她以较低的成本基础(28美元-替代估值日期)收到了股票。, capital gains tax on the $7-per-share gain may be due.4

In this example, 物业选择“替代估值日期”以节省开支, 但这位继承人面临着较低的成本基础,以及未来支付更高资本利得税的前景.

Consider & Balance

As the executor thinks through this balancing act, 他们应该考虑遗产的相对现行税率,以及哪种方法可能导致最有效的转让, net of taxes, to the heirs.

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1. 该条款假定死者有有效遗嘱,并指定了遗嘱执行人, 谁负责执行遗嘱的指示. 如果一个人死时没有留下遗嘱,这意味着一份有效的遗嘱没有被执行. 如果没有有效的遗嘱,一个人的财产将按照州法律的规定分配给继承人.
2., 2023
3., July 9, 2022
4. 这是一个仅用于说明目的的假设示例. 它不代表任何特定AG捕鱼王新版app下载AG捕鱼王新版app下载组合.

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